Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion: Extraterrestrial Life in a Process Universe (Contemporary Whitehead Studies)
by Bertka, Bruce Damer, Ilia Delio, Lewis Ford, Steven Dick, Brianne Donaldson, Timothy Eastman, Chelsea Haramia,Noreen Herzfeld, Wahida Khandker, Jeffrey D Long, Mark Lupisella, Derek Malone-France, Ted Peters, Roland Faber, Andrew Davis, Matthew Segall, Theodore Walker
Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion: Extraterrestrial Life in a Process Universe (Contemporary Whitehead Studies)
by Bertka, Bruce Damer, Ilia Delio, Lewis Ford, Steven Dick, Brianne Donaldson, Timothy Eastman, Chelsea Haramia,Noreen Herzfeld, Wahida Khandker, Jeffrey D Long, Mark Lupisella, Derek Malone-France, Ted Peters, Roland Faber, Andrew Davis, Matthew Segall, Theodore Walker
ISBN 13: 9781666944365
Format: Hardcover
(618 pages)
Publisher: Lexington Books
Published: 15 Feb 2024
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